Geologists Love To Showcase Their Sediments

No need to be either sentimental or a geologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the three different kinds of rocks as found in Grand Canyon, along with the scientific truism saying for all those in geology: "Geologists Love To Showcase Their Sediments". Make others do a double-take on any of these double-entendre word play gifts on the word "sedimental", which could mean "sentimental"! Educational science attitude for all who love the Grand Canyon!

Life Is A Sedimentary Journey (Grand Canyon)

Do you view life with a dose of sedimentary (sentimental) geek humor? No need to be a fan of the Grand Canyon or retired or a geologist -- although it would probably help if you were one of these -- to enjoy any of these wry geological humor gifts featuring the Grand Canyon, along with the truism saying "Life Is A Sedimentary Journey". Make others do a double-take on exactly what meaning you are trying to convey with any of these word play gifts on the word "sedimental", which rhymes with "sentimental"! Memorable gifts for anyone who is sentimental about sedimentary -- i.e., a rock collector!

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Geologists Are So Sedimental Grand Canyon

Geologists will enjoy any of these classic gifts featuring the Grand Canyon rock layers, along with the scientific truism saying that is a word play on the word "sentimental". Says: "Geologists Are So Sedimental". Make others do a double-take at any of these word play gifts on the word "sedimental" and "sentimental" -- regardless of how you feel about geology!
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